Wednesday, July 18, 2012


There's comfort in anonymity.  The thought that I can post my thoughts and share my heart without fear of questions by people I know is quite freeing.  You see, I've blogged in the past. I've never been a popular blogger, which is not my aim, but I shared my past blog with those who share life with me and I knew that as soon as I hit the "publish" button, I would get texts, e-mails and phone calls from friends and family saying "you really think that?"  It got quite annoying so I stopped blogging all together for awhile and then shut down my blog completely.

I don't think anyone really missed me, but I missed blogging.  I missed sharing in a community of like minded women who wouldn't question me for quitting my job in order to be a keeper at home. I missed being able to share my thoughts on being a conservative, Christ following woman without fear of being labeled a hateful , narrow-minded bigot by people who I thought were friends and I missed sharing my thoughts of being a Godly, submissive wife with other women who understand the importance of such a high calling. 

So here I am. Back in the blogging saddle, though somewhat anonymously.  I hope to share on everything from being a Godly, submissive wife and homemaking, to sharing my heart and the testimony of what Jesus has done for me, and still does in my daily life as I live with a heart fully submitted to Him. 


  1. Thank you for the follow at Living in the Light! I'm sorry you've had a negative experience with blogging in the past. I hope this new venture is much more enjoyable!

  2. Thank you for visiting and "following" along at my blog. It's always good to "see" another true Homemaker in Blogland. I also hope that your blogging experience this time around will be more pleasurable for you.

  3. Thank you so much for your sweet comments. The funny thing is, I can take negative criticism from strangers just fine. It's hearing it from my family and friends that's hard. I have family members that just don't understand my calling as a homemaker.
