Monday, August 6, 2012

My Household Mission Statement

About a year ago, I read a few homemaking blogs that mentioned creating a household mission statement in order to set the tone for their homes.   I loved that idea and I began to pray about how the Lord would have me manage our home to the best of my ability and I came up (with the help of my husband) with my household mission statement.  I did well in following it for a few weeks, but I stuck it inside my home management binder and put it up on my bookshelf. Out of sight,  out of mind.

I recently cam upon my mission statement again and I realized how far off track I got.   I am wanting to post it here so that I can have a reminder and maybe even some accountability when it comes to following this statement.

Household Mission Statement  
My ultimate goal is to live my life looking first to the founder and perfecter of my faith, Jesus Christ, as I lay aside all my hindrances of selfishness, laziness and pride and run the race the Lord has set before me- The race of being His daughter, wife to (Husband's name) and shepherd to those He has put in my path.  To work towards this goal;

* I will daily come to the Throne of Grace and commit myself to His good work in my life.

* I will lovingly submit to my husband's loving and God given authority over me and I will strive to be his perfect helper and not to hinder him in any way.  I will deny my selfish desires daily in order to put his needs above my own and I will continue to prayerfully strive to have the gentle and quiet spirit which is precious to the Lord.

* I will strive to take care of myself as I am the temple of the Holy Spirit.  I will make healthier decisions as far as my food and exercise in order to have a more active lifestyle.  Through taking care of my physical needs, I will have more energy to devote to the needs of my home and those the Lord puts in my path.

* I will strive to manage our home in the most efficient way possible, creating an atmosphere of peace, rest and refreshment.

*I will strive to stay connected to the Holy Spirit and His leading in order to encourage and lead those he puts in my path through the various ministries I am involved in, both in and out of church.

Hebrews 12:1-2- Household Scripture. 

My prayer is that this keeps my focused on the important things God has place in my life; My relationship with Him, my husband, my home and my ministry. All in that exact order too.

Growing Home


  1. This is an excellent household mission statement. I've never thought of making one myself for my own home. I strive to do the best I can, but I've had several minor illnesses lately that have held me back. I'm slowly trying to work-up to being healthy again so I can be a better helpmeet to my husband.

  2. I really like this mission statement. A few months ago my husband and I reviewed goals and worked on a mission statement. I need to blog about it and post it up in our home for all to see and to help us remember. Mission statements should be read daily! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you both for your sweet comments!

    Mara, I can see by your blog posts that you are doing everything you can to push through your illness and you really have been an encouragement to me in getting back on track on finding contentment in my role as a homemaker and helpmeet.

    Leslie, you're right missions statements should be read daily. I did put mine back in my binder, but it now sits open on my dining room table so that I can see it every time I walk past it.

  4. Loved this post!!! Thanks for sharing! It is pretty rare to find people with this mindset these days. Stopping by from

  5. Love it! Very well said. I've been thinking about creating a home mission statement soon as well. :)

    God bless you!
