As I'm sitting here drinking my tea, I'm reflecting on the powerful speeches that were just given by some big names in the Republican convention. Many of these speeches pointed to the one man who could change this country for the better, who could set the tone for a political reformation, and who could save us from the mistakes of our current leadership.
While I believe that they really think that the Republican nominee for president could actually make some positive changes, my heart was stirring because there is one Man who could do all of that. This one Man made radical changes while he walked here on earth and he continues to make radical changes in the lives of those who open their hearts in response to His calling. This one Man, Jesus Christ, has the power to radically change this country like we have never seen it before and all we have to do is share and be open about what He did on the cross and how that mighty act of grace has affected our lives.
When you stop and think about it, do you really live your life in reflection of the cross? Can the people around you see the power of Christ's death and resurrection as you go about your life? I'm honestly talking about myself here as I feel convicted in the fact that I tend to gloss over the most powerful event in history. The "Easter Story" is not just for Easter, it's for every day life. We need to daily remind ourselves that because of Christ's torturous death (that was really meant for us) and resurrection, we have been cleansed from all sin. ALL!!!!! If that doesn't make you leap out of your seat and jump for joy, I don't know what will?
I guess what I'm trying to say here is that we should be walking around every day living in the JOY that comes from our salvation and that joy will spread to others and with Christ, we really can change this nation for the better. It is one thing that God has promised:
Psalm 33:12- "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage."
You've made an excellent and truthful point. As Christians, we need to be looking toward our Lord to lead us and be our Savior and not any man.